Frequently Asked Questions
What is your returns policy?
You may only return unopened products within 30 days of delivery for a full refund or exchange, however, we do ask that you pay shipping for these returns. If the return is a result of our error, such as if you receive an incorrect or defective product, you will receive a full refund for the item as well as shipping costs.
I received the wrong item
If you received the wrong item email our customer support team at and we will get the situation corrected as quickly as possible.
My order arrived damaged
All of our orders are shipped with insurance so we will get a replacement shipped to you as quickly as possible. Email with the details. We may need a couple of pictures from you for the claim.
Where should I mail my authorized return?
In order to make returns easy for you, all authorized returns will be provided a return label at your expense.
How do I receive customer support?
Our support team is ready to help and they can be contacted at
What do I do if I entered an incorrect shipping address?
Contact customer support at Explain the issue to them and we will do our best to pull the package if it hasn’t already been picked up.
If the carrier has picked up the package we will contact them and try to have the package returned to us.
Can I change or cancel an order after I've submitted it?
As long as your order hasn’t been picked up by the carrier.
Can I pre-order an item that is sold out?
We do not offer pre-ordering at this time.